Spring 2015
Lecture Series: PLANT ETHICS
Growing Green: Fresh Perspectives on Plant Life in Environmental Ethics
In spring 2015, an international lecture series at the Department of Philosophy/University of Vienna is dedicated to plant ethics. It asks for the moral standing of plants and explores new, fresh ways to think and talk about plant life in the broader context of environmental ethics.
HS 3D, NIG (3rd floor), Universitätsstr. 7, 1010 Vienna
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Tuesdays, 16:45-18:15
March 24
Angela Kallhoff (Vienna, AUT): Pflanzenethik - Eine Einführung
April 21
Sylvie Pouteau (Paris, FR): Becoming Seed and beyond: Aesthetic Grounds for Plant-Human Ethics
April 28
Karen Houle (Guelph, CAN): Symmetries in Conceptual and Morphological Formation: The Difference Plant Body Growth Can Make to Thought
May 12
Yogi Hale Hendlin (Vienna, AUT): Variations of Plant Communication
May 19
Sabine Odparlik (IPK Gatersleben, DE): Pflanzenethik – ein Mehrwert für die Bioethik?
June 2
Paolo D‘Angelo (Rome, IT): Agriculture and Landscape
June 9
Robin Attfield (Cardiff, GB): Forest Ethics
“Growing Green: Fresh Perspectives on Plant Life in Environmental Ethics” continues the lectures on environmental ethics, “Vorlesungen zur Naturethik”, a lecture series initiated at the Department of Philosophy in 2012 in order to present and discuss critical issues in current debates on ecological ethics and, more broadly, the ethics of nature.
Lecture Series: PLANT ETHICS